Endris Salia

Public Health Expert

Value Based Healthcare system
Assist clients in devising and executing healthcare strategies that cater to their evolving requirements, encompassing long-term planning, clinical and business integration, facility planning, and innovation. Provide support in modernizing and advancing healthcare delivery system infrastructure. Leverage healthcare discipline expertise to tackle provider strategic and operational priorities in the pursuit of healthcare delivery transformation.
This is a list of courses offered in the BSPH program.
The courses cover a range of topics related to public health, including principles and populations, urbanization and vulnerable populations, public health informatics, public health epidemiology, health and the human condition in the global community, ethical practices in health professions, public health sciences and methods, public health advocacy and leadership, communication for public health, preparation for the public health workforce, the environment and public health, emergency preparedness and management, women's health issues, consumer health and public health systems, studies in healthy aging, and diversity in organizations.

What are the learned Skills of Public health Professionals
BSPH Courses
Course Descriptions: BSPH Academic Core
Public Health: Principles & Populations
What is Public Health? How does it work & why is it important?
This course will provide students with an overview of Public Health: what it is, how it works, and why it is important. Topics include current health issues, global health, health disparities and how Public Health impacts community settings. Class requirement includes participation in community-based, experiential-learning activities. Examination of public health concepts, values, and functions. Exploration of the underlying science of human health and disease as that is impacted by socioeconomic, behavioral, biological, environmental, and other factors that impact human health and contribute to health disparities. This course satisfies the University of Texas at Arlington core curriculum requirement in Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Urbanization and Vulnerable Populations
How does diversity influence the health of a community?
Investigation of diversity of individuals and populations in a community, including how diversity may influence policies, programs, services, and the health of a community, and the importance for a diverse public health workforce.
Public Health Informatics
How can information technology be used for Public Health?
Explain and apply ethical principles that apply to the use of information technology as those pertain to accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information.
Introduction to Public Health Epidemiology
How does Public Health & science protect the community from disease & epidemics?
Analysis of factors that affect the health of a community, including how disease spreads, legal aspects of epidemics, and how data is used to drive public health decision making. Overview of how public health practice and science come together to protect the health of the public, or of a specific population
Health & The Human Condition in the Global Community
How has Public Health changed over time? What are the current issues?
Study of the history, philosophy and contemporary issues of public health as those apply to public health in both urban and global societies.
Ethical Practices in Health Professions
What strategies are required for public health, health care, and other allied health care organizations to work together or individually to impact the health of a community?
Study of ethical standards and how those are incorporated into practice and decision-making that relate to interactions with individuals, organizations, and communities. Exploration of strategies for public health, health care, and other allied healthcare organizations to work together or individually to impact the health of a community.
Public Health Sciences and Methods
How do Public Health professionals develop scientific concepts and research methods to address population health?
Identify scientific concepts and research methods of population health, along with the basic processes, approaches, and interventions that identify and address the major health-related needs and concerns of populations. Analysis of project implementation such as planning, assessment and evaluation.
Public Health Advocacy and Leadership
How do I plan to lead and advocate for population health? What is my leadership philosophy?
Appraisal of leadership philosophies and actions that reflect and model effective strategies for protecting and promoting the public's health.
Communication for Public Health Professionals
How is public health-specific communication related to the health literacy of populations? How is information communicated to address barriers and unique situations for vulnerable populations?
Information and experiences that identify the health literacy of populations, including addressment of barriers and unique situations for vulnerable populations. Communication of information through appropriate, culturally competent methodologies. Integration of basic concepts of public health-specific communication into technical and professional writing..
Preparation for the Public Health Workforce
How do I prepare to be successful in the public health workplace? How do I develop professional communication and teamwork skills? A personal work ethic? Networking?
The development and operational systems and processes in public health programs and facilities will be presented, including concepts and experiences necessary for success in the workplace, community dynamics, independent work and development of a personal work ethic, networking and professional communication, and teamwork. The student will participate in multiple career readiness learning experiences through a co-curricular collaboration with UTA Career Services.
Individualized learning opportunity to integrate, synthesize and apply knowledge through cumulative and experiential activities. All students complete a cumulative, integrative, and scholarly or applied experience or inquiry project that serves as an optimum point to the education experience. These experiences may include, but are not limited to, internships, service-learning projects, senior seminars, portfolio projects, research papers or honors theses. Students are encouraged to gain exposure to local-level public health professionals and/or agencies that engage in public health practice.
The Environment and Public Health
How do environmental factors affect health from state, national and global perspectives?
This course is a study of the basic principles of ecology as they relate to the general health of society. Topics including conditions of soil, water, and air - nationally and globally - will be discussed. The successful student will acquire a level of proficiency in appropriate health care techniques specific to environmental health concerns.
Course Descriptions:
BSPH Cross-disciplinary Coursework
Emergency Preparedness & Management
How does Public Health support community responses to emergencies and disasters?
Inquiry into the structures, functions, and authorizations of governmental public health programs. Identification of tools, processes, and activities related to both practice and policy used to support community responses to public health emergencies and other disasters.
Women's Health Issues
Will address specific issues of importance to women and their health, including growth and development, nutrition, reproductive health, pregnancy, chronic diseases, and relationship/family issues..
Consumer Health and Public Health Systems
Analysis of personal, social, cultural, economic, and political aspects of health. Topics covered include managed health care, health insurance, health services/products, doctor-patient communication, traditional vs. non-traditional medicine, diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases, and health legislation.
Studies in Healthy Aging
Emphasis on complex issues associated with aging and death. Topics include changes/losses related to specific stages of life; caregiving to the dying; pertinent legal issues; medical gerontology; other salient issues and problems concerning aging and death. This course is especially helpful to those students who plan careers in the medical profession.
Diversity in Organizations
This course examines the implications of employee diversity in organizations, an issue of increasing importance. It includes study of the changing demographics of workers, including multiple demographic groups and areas of difference important to organizational treatment and outcomes. This course examines research on treatment, access, and customer discrimination. Legislation related to diversity is also reviewed. This course also provides suggestions for individuals and organizations to increase opportunities and outcomes for workers of all backgrounds. Prerequisite: Junior standing.